School Counseling
K-4 School Counseling
To enhance children’s self-esteem and improve skills in dealing with developmental issues, the counseling staff will provide a range of services. These services include assisting teachers in classroom presentations to all children as needed, additional activities for some children in small groups, and individual short-term counseling for a limited number of students.
The counseling staff also provides growth experiences for parents and teachers. Parents will be aided in parenting skills, understanding behavioral dynamics and dealing with life’s unexpected changes. Teachers can expect to receive assistance with effective communication skills, behavioral dynamics, and learning modalities.
Mrs. Heather Kellogg - Bailly Elementary
Mrs. Moskalick - Brummitt Elementary Counseling
Mrs. Michelle Bruss - Jackson Elementary
Mrs. Lindsey Stainko - Liberty Elementary
Mrs. Susan Harmison - Yost Elementary Counseling (Canvas login required)
Intermediate School Counseling (Grades 5 & 6)
The goal of the intermediate school counselors is to provide a comprehensive school counseling program that supports all students in the areas of academic development, social/emotional growth, and age appropriate college & career readiness. The intermediate school counselors work with students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community organizations to support student achievement and growth.
Mrs. Smenyak - Liberty Intermediate School Counseling
Mrs. Hurst - Westchester Intermediate School Counseling
Mrs. Hurst - Westchester Intermediate School Counseling
Middle School Counseling (Grades 7 & 8)
The goal of middle school counselors is to assist students in overcoming all obstacles to academic success. We strive to create the most positive learning experience for all students in the middle school years.
Counselors help with a wide range of needs, including the following:
- Individual Student Counseling - personal, social, academic or family issues
- Group Counseling - social skills, study skills, children of divorce, grief counseling, newcomers
- Collaborate with physicians and outside agencies
- Grade level career presentations, special education testing, placement and case conference facilitators
- Scheduling of classes and class changes
- Arranging and attending parent/team conferences
- Individual conferences with parents
- Classroom guidance programs
- ILEARN coordination
- NWEA test coordination
- Student Assistance Team
- Regular/frequent consultation with classroom teachers
- Anti-bullying programs through Students Helping Others and other professional staff initiatives
Mrs. Herrod - LMS School Counseling
Mrs. Lamb - WMS School Counseling
Chesterton High School Counseling Department
As professionals in educational and career planning, the counselors at CHS coordinate an ongoing secondary plan with all high school students. Students begin services in the 8th grade. Individual, group and classroom presentations continue over the next four years at each grade level to review and update pertinent vocational and academic information.
Additionally, counselors are available to students for advise, personal counseling, conflict resolution, crisis intervention, and referral to community resources. Many other services and opportunities are offered to students on an ongoing basis throughout their four years.
For more information, click on the links below.