K-4 Program Information
The High Ability Program for students in grades kindergarten through fourth grade consists of three models: In-Class Differentiation, Cluster Grouping and/or Pull-Out Services.
In-Class Differentiation
is a model in which curriculum and instruction are modified according to content, pacing, and/or product to meet unique student needs in the classroom.
Cluster Grouping
This model is a grouping assignment for students identified as high ability in the regular heterogeneous classroom. Typically, identified gifted students with similar needs, abilities, or interests are “clustered” in the same classroom, which allows the teacher to more efficiently differentiate assignments for a group of advanced learners rather than just one or two students.
This model consists of a high ability teacher or aide who works with groups of identified students to differentiate and move beyond typical grade level standards. The curriculum is specific to high-ability students. The Indiana Department of Education English/Language Arts High-Ability Units (IDOE ELA HA Units) and Mentoring Young Mathematicians (M2) and Mentoring Mathematical Minds (M3) curriculum for HA students and may be accelerated.
At the elementary level (K-4), students are identified for high ability or having the potential to be high ability in math, language arts, or general intellectual (both math and language arts). A combination of the following criteria may be used to identify our high ability students:
- Potential-based (aptitude) Measure: Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) K & 2
- Performance-based (achievement) Measure: NWEA (end of the year scores)
- Other Measures: Teacher nomination/observation, projects, and rating scales
New students will be considered at the time of enrollment pending information from their previous school, teacher observations, and data collected. Students must meet local criteria for program placement. Identification for program services at a prior school does not automatically qualify the student for services at Duneland School Corporation.
Further information, including frequently asked questions, about high ability can be found on the Duneland School Corporation web page under programs and services.