It is important to keep in mind that cognitive growth is not always consistent, and consequently, such placement is not necessarily permanent. Students are systematically evaluated for instructional placement in fourth grade for intermediate school placement. All placement decisions may be modified in accordance with changes in students’ learning profiles as they progress through intermediate school.
At the intermediate level, students are identified for high ability or having the potential to be high ability in math, language arts, or general intellectual (both math and language arts). A combination of the following criteria may be used to identify our high ability students:
- Potential-based (aptitude) Measure: CogAT -- (taken in 4th grade for Intermediate)
- Performance-based (achievement) Measure: NWEA (end of the year scores)
- Other Measures: Teacher nomination/observation, projects, and rating scales
Students will be considered for high ability in fifth grade based upon data collected in 4th grade.
At the end of 4th grade, CogAT scores are used for identification data for placement from elementary to intermediate level. The selection committee will meet in the spring to analyze the data for identifying students for the following school year.
In addition, all students take Northwest Evaluation Association Tests (NWEA) two times during the school year (beginning and end of the year). For identification, the end of the year NWEA scores are used. Fourth grade students who meet the end of the year benchmark of 95% or higher on NWEA for the end of the year may be identified as high ability or the potential to be high ability for 5th grade. At the end of 5th grade data from the end of the year NWEA will be revisited for appropriate placement in 6th grade.
When requested, teachers may complete a teacher observation form for each student meeting the criteria in the screening pool. In the fourth grading period, the High Ability Team of educators begin compiling and analyzing the data for identifying students for the following school year.
New students will be considered at the time of enrollment pending information from their previous school, teacher observations, and data collected. Students must meet local criteria for program placement. Identification for program services at a prior school does not automatically qualify the student for services at Duneland School Corporation.