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Medication Policies


These medication guidelines shall include all medicines including those prescribed by a physician and any non-prescribed (over-the-counter) drugs, preparations, and/or remedies. Medically prescribed treatment refers to health-care procedures, which require special training such as catheterization, or intravenous, or intramuscular injection.
  • Any medicine to be administered to a student shall be brought to the principal or nurse's office.
  • A medication or prescribed treatment will be administered only with the written and dated consent by the parent or legal guardian.
  • Prescribed treatment and prescription medications including blood glucose tests by finger prick to be administered to a student must be accompanied by a physician's prescription, a copy of the original prescription, or the pharmacy label.
  • Prescription medication shall be kept in its original container, labeled with the student's name and the exact dosage.
  • All over-the-counter medication must be accompanied by written instruction to include the student's name, date, reason for giving, the dose, time, duration and parent or legal guardian signature.
  • Medications are to be kept secured under lock and key. (An exception would be when a student has authorization to carry medication for emergency/chronic health needs).
  • Medications that are outdated and declared inappropriate are returned to the parent.
  • The school nurse or her designee has the sole responsibility of giving or dispensing all medication.
  • A record is maintained in the nurse's office that includes the date, time, and name of the medication. This document must be signed recognizing each transaction.
  • Observations, assessments, and reports on usage of medicines and treatments will be shared with parent or legal guardian, appropriate school personnel, and physician.


Students are prohibited from self-administering medication. However, a student may possess and self-administer medication for chronic diseases or medical conditions provided the student's parent or legal guardian files a written authorization with the principal.
  • The written authorization must be filed annually.
  • A physician's written statement must be included with the parent's authorization.

A physician's statement to be filed annually must include the following information:

  • An acute or chronic disease or medical condition exists for which the medication is prescribed.
  • The student has been given instruction as to how to self-administer the medication.
  • The nature of the disease or medical condition requires emergency administration of the medication.