Emergency School Closing Procedures
As we approach the winter season, please review the procedures for school closings and/or delays that may occur due to inclement weather. The decision to close school and engage in a virtual-synchronous eLearning day (see below) or alter the school day is made after collaborating with multiple district personnel, local, state departments and agencies, including: law enforcement, national weather service, highway/street departments, and transportation. In addition, other Porter County school districts are consulted due to partnerships that impact special education and career-technical education students.
Decisions about school delays due to inclement weather will be made as early as possible. In some instances, a school cancellation may follow a two-hour delay. In the event of a two-hour delay followed by a cancellation, we will do our best to make the decision to cancel school before 9:00 a.m. Delay or cancellation information will be delivered through the Skylert notification system. These notifications are based on the contact information provided in the General category within your Skylert notification system. Please review and update (if necessary) your contact information to receive these notifications. School closing/delay information will also be posted on the DSC website (www.duneland.k12.in.us) and sent to the following media outlets:
Radio: WAKE 1500 AM; Indiana 105.5 FM; WEFM 95.9 FM; WDSO 88.3 FM; WGN Radio 720; WBBM Newsradio 780
Local TV Channels: 2, 5, 7, 9, 32
Website: www.emergencyclosingcenter.com
The following options will be considered during weather emergencies:
Option 1: Start of the school day will be delayed 2-hours. Delayed start times are:
Elementary - 9:30 a.m.
Intermediate - 10:50 a.m.
Middle School - 10:50 a.m.
High School - 10:10 a.m.
Option 2: Students will not report to school; students will participate in an unplanned inclement weather eLearning day (virtual-synchronous-see Guidelines for Students)
Students will take part in Google Meet sessions with their teachers to receive face-to-face instruction. Teachers will post schedules by 9:00 A.M. Please click on the link above for more information.
Option 3: Schools will dismiss early