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Westchester Public Library Board Appointment


The Duneland School Corporation Board of Trustees is accepting letters of interest from individuals who would like to be considered for a position on the Westchester Public Library Board of Trustees, appointed by the Duneland School Corporation Board of Trustees. 

Individuals interested in being considered for a board position must meet the following criteria: 

  • A Library Trustee appointee must reside in the Library district (Westchester Township) at the time of the appointment and must have resided there for at least two years immediately preceding the appointment. 
  • Trustee is appointed in 4-year terms, with a maximum of 4 terms. 
  • Trustee will not use the Library for personal, professional, or financial advantage or gain, or for the advantage of friends or relatives; it is incumbent upon any Trustee to disqualify himself/herself immediately whenever the appearance of a conflict of interest exists; Trustee and their immediate family members will be excluded from consideration for employment by the Library. 
  • Trustee shall attend and actively participate in all Board of Trustee meetings and other relevant meetings and trainings. 
  • Trustee shall thoroughly understand and uphold the separation of duties between the Library Director and the Board of Trustees, and will not insert themselves with staff or otherwise interrupt Chain-of-Command. 
  • Trustee shall actively support the Library in community and political endeavors and communications. 
  • Trustee, in the capacity of trust imposed upon them, shall observe ethical standards and shall uphold their duty of responsibility with absolute truth, integrity and honor. 

Interested candidates are asked to submit a letter of interest, along with a completed questionnaire by the end of the business day February 11, 2025 via email to Amanda Hicks at Interviews will occur during the month of February and the recommendation of appointment will be made at a DSC Board meeting thereafter.


First page of the PDF file: WPLQuestionnaireBoardVacancy2025